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Quake 3 Arena Config 1vs1

// ---------- Example Configuration ----------
// This is an example server configuration file for Unlagged Freeze Tag.
// The settings in this file are for a "Hook & Rail" server.  Most of the
// defaults should be fine, but check through just to make sure it's as
// you like it.  Make sure you set sv_hostname and g_motd!

// ---------- Server Settings ----------

// Set sv_hostname to what you want your server name to be on server lists
seta sv_hostname "Senseye.org - FrEEzeRaIL"

// This will be displayed when clients connect
seta g_motd "This is the point of no return!"

// This will force everyone to use the same PK3
seta sv_pure "0"

// Total clients allowed to connect
seta sv_maxclients "15"

// Be a tyrant with these
seta sv_maxPing "0"
seta sv_minPing "0"

// Limit bandwidth
seta sv_maxRate "10000"

// Memory settings
seta com_hunkMegs "56"
seta com_soundMegs "8"
seta com_zoneMegs "16"

// Protect against chat floods
seta g_floodProtect "1"
// sv_floodProtect is kinda botched (a blanket suppression for all
// ad-hoc commands, badly-implemented to boot), so I've disabled
// it in favor of a more specific solution: g_floodProtect
seta sv_floodProtect "0"

// Master servers
seta sv_master2 "master0.gamespy.com"
seta sv_master3 ""
seta sv_master4 ""
seta sv_master5 ""

// Allow clients to download PK3s that they haven't got
seta sv_allowDownload "1"
// Make sure it's in the right place ("ufreeze", not "baseq3")
// If you're running this on Linux, put it in ~/.q3a/ufreeze or it won't upload
// Also, make sure you remove the old PK3 when you upgrade!

// For the sake of your players, make sure this is 1:
seta g_smoothClients "1"
// This smooths out players who are laggy and skipping around.  There is
// absolutely no downside, and UFreeze's server-only implementation of it
// takes less bandwidth than Quake 3's normal server-client implementation.

// ---------- Game Settings ----------

// Add these numbers up for the features you want

// Nightmare (one-shot kill), no falling damage
set dmflags "1032"

// 0 - Free For All, 1 - Tournament,
// 3 - Team Deathmatch, 4 - Capture the Flag
set g_gametype "1"

// Suicides of all kinds get some kind of penalty
// (Falling/drowning is a freeze, 3-second wait on
// lava/slime/voids/death fog)
set g_hardcore "1"

// Set how long the aforementioned penalty is here
set g_llamaPenalty "3"

// Fraglimit is meaningless in FT
set fraglimit "25"

// Time before "sudden death" or a forced win based on captures
set timelimit "20"
// Allow sudden death
set g_doSuddenDeath "1"

// Set capturelimit to the number of team wins required before going on
set capturelimit "0"

// Change these to speed up/slow down the game
set g_thawTime "2.0"
set g_autoThawTime "60"

// Change these to control spawn frags and reverse spawn frags
set g_noDamageTime 2.0
set g_noAttackTime 1.0
//set g_noFreezeTime 2.0

// Enable rcon (remote console) by setting this
set rconPassword "none"

// Enable referee functions by setting this password
// (Some are useful for even casual play and you may want to give a
// trusted player limited command ability)
set ref_password "none"

// Set to "1" if you'd like your referees to automatically log in by
// setting their "ref_login" cvar
set g_refAutologin "0"

// Standard FT has this off - leave it
set g_friendlyFire "0"

// Players will join a team immediately
set g_teamAutoJoin "0"

// Force teams to be balanced within two players
set g_teamForceBalance "0"

//when switching maps, players will stay in their team
set g_maintainTeam "1"

//time in seconds (default = 0)
set g_spectatorInactivity "0"

//time in ms (default = 1)
set g_spectatorInactivity_warnDisplayTime "1"

// Force clients to respawn in 10 seconds
set g_forceRespawn "10"

// Uncomment this to turn on rail jumping
set g_railJumpKnock 105

// Uncomment this to double knockback
set g_knockback "2000"

// Grappling hook
set g_grapple "0"

// Hook fly and pull speed
set g_grappleSpeed "1800"
set g_grapplePullSpeed "1200"

// Set this to the file name you want game events logged to
// set g_log "games.log"

// If you've got IPs you always want banned, uncomment the next line
// and replace the IP addresses with real ones
//seta g_banIPs ""

// Turn on IP banning
set g_filterBan "1"

// Kick after 2 minutes of not moving
set g_inactivity "240"

// Allow players to vote
set g_allowVote "1"

// Change these settings to disable voting on specific things
set vote_capturelimit "1"
set vote_timelimit "1"
set vote_warmup "1"
set vote_friendlyfire "0"
set vote_gametype "1"
set vote_grapple "1"
set vote_lagcomp "1"
set vote_kick "1"
set vote_remove "1"
set vote_putblue "1"
set vote_putred "1"
set vote_kick "1"
set vote_map "1"
set vote_restart "1"
set vote_nextmap "1"
set vote_railjump "1"
set vote_opinion "1"
set vote_config "0"

// Don't enable vote_config unless you've at least LOOKED in
// the votecfgs directory

// Enable bot support
set bot_enable "1"

// Bots can chat (set to "1" to shut them up)
set bot_nochat "1"

// This sets the minimum number of players on a team
// If there aren't enough players, bots will spawn in to fill slots
set bot_minplayers "1"

// Default bot difficulty level
// 1 - I Can Win!, 2 - Bring It On,
// 3 - Hurt Me Plenty, 4 - Hardcore,
// 5 - Nightmare!
set g_spSkill "2"

// Add these up
//Machinegun	1
//Shotgun	2
//Grenade Launcher	4
//Rocket Launcher	8
//Lightning Gun	16
//Railgun	32
//Plasma Gun	64
//BFG10K	128
//Nailgun	256
//Prox Launcher	512
//Chaingun	1024
//Gauntlet	2048

// Start with a railgun
set wpflags "32"

// Limit these weapons, weak gauntlet
set weaponlimit "4063"

// Disable items.  See "itemlist.txt" for a full list of items.
set disable_holdable_medkit "1"
set disable_holdable_teleporter "1"
set disable_item_armor_body "1"
set disable_item_armor_combat "1"
set disable_item_armor_shard "1"
set disable_item_enviro "1"
set disable_item_flight "1"
set disable_item_haste "1"
set disable_item_health "1"
set disable_item_health_large "1"
set disable_item_health_mega "1"
set disable_item_health_small "1"
set disable_item_invis "1"
set disable_item_quad "1"
set disable_item_regen "1"

set m1 "map q3dm17;set nextmap vstr m1"

// Wait a bit and start the first map
vstr m1